WordPress Functions with Examples Every Developer Must Know

wordpress functions
Minal Vaghela
Reading Time: 6 minutes

WordPress is a popular platforms for building websites, and a big part of its power comes from something called WordPress functions. These functions are like built-in tools that help you customize your site, add features, and make it look just the way you want.

In this guide, we’ll explore what WordPress functions are, why they matter, and how you can leverage them to enhance your website’s performance. Whether you’re just starting with WordPress or have some experience, understanding these functions will give you greater control over your site.

What are WordPress Functions?

WordPress functions are special commands in PHP that help you perform tasks on your WordPress site. They can do things like manage your content, change how your site looks, and connect with other tools. Essentially, they make building and managing your site easier.

What do WordPress Functions do?

Here’s how WordPress functions are used:

  • Core Operations: They handle important tasks like showing your content, managing user logins, and interacting with your site’s database
  • Theme Customization: You can use functions to tweak your site’s design and layout, making your site unique.
  • Plugin Integration: Functions help you add and use plugins, which can extend your site’s features and improve performance.
  • Hooks and Filters: They allow you to adjust WordPress’s behavior without changing the core code, which keeps things flexible.
  • Custom Content Types: Functions let you create and organize different types of content, making it easier to manage your site.

Why are WordPress Functions important?

WordPress functions are crucial because they:

  • Allow Customization: They give you control over how your site looks and works, so you can match it to your brand and needs.
  • Improve Performance: They help ensure that your site runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Support Growth: Functions make your site adaptable, whether you’re dealing with more visitors or new business needs.
  • Simplify Plugin Use: Functions make it easier to add and use plugins, expanding your site’s features.
  • Organize Content: They help you set up and manage your content in a way that makes sense for your users.

24 most useful WordPress Functions

Here are few essential WordPress functions that every developer should know:

1. the_title()

  • Dynamic Title Display: Outputs post or page titles dynamically, enhancing content presentation.
  • SEO Benefits: Facilitates title integration with SEO practices.
  • Conditional Formatting: Allows for tailored title styling based on post attributes.
  • Customization: Enables distinct title presentation for various site sections.


<?php the_title(); ?>

2. the_content()

  • Dynamic Content Rendering: Displays diverse content types, ensuring a comprehensive user experience.
  • Formatting Control: Manages content layout and appearance consistently.
  • Shortcode Integration: Supports complex functionalities through shortcodes.
  • Readability: Enhances content readability with structured layouts.


<?php the_content(); ?>

3. wp_query()

  • Custom Content Retrieval: Retrieves posts, pages, or custom types based on query parameters.
  • Pagination: Implements content pagination for better navigation.
  • Filtering: Filters content by categories, tags, or custom taxonomies.
  • Dynamic Loops: Generates loops to display content based on specific criteria.


$query = new WP_Query(array( 
    'post_type' => 'post', // Change according to your post or custom post type, etc.. 
    'posts_per_page' => 5, // Change the number of posts displayed. 
if ($query->have_posts()) : 
    while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post(); 
        the_title('<h2>', '</h2>'); 
  • URL Retrieval: Fetches the permanent URL of posts or pages.
  • Dynamic Link Generation: Integrates dynamic links into templates.
  • Custom URL Structures: Generates links adhering to specific URL formats.


$post_id = 42; // Replace with your post ID 
echo get_permalink($post_id); 

5. wp_head()

  • Script and Style Inclusion: Manages the inclusion of essential scripts and stylesheets.
  • Meta Tag Injection: Adds meta tags for SEO and responsive design.
  • Custom Code: Inserts custom scripts and tracking codes.
  • Plugin Compatibility: Ensures smooth plugin integration.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>> 
    <?php wp_head(); ?> 

6. wp_nav_menu()

  • Menu Customization: Defines and customizes navigation menus.
  • Dynamic Inclusion: Adapts menus to site structure changes.
  • Conditional Display: Displays menus based on specific criteria.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures menus adapt to various devices.


    'theme_location' => 'primary', 
    'container' => 'nav', 
    'container_class' => 'main-navigation', 

7. the_post_thumbnail()

  • Featured Image Display: Outputs featured images or thumbnails.
  • Custom Sizes: Controls image dimensions for optimal design.
  • Responsive Images: Adjusts image sizes for different devices.
  • Alt Text: Integrates alt text for SEO and accessibility.


if (has_post_thumbnail()) { 
    the_post_thumbnail('medium'); // You can adjust as you need large, small etc.. 

8. get_sidebar()

  • Sidebar Integration: Includes sidebars in theme templates.
  • Widget Management: Populates sidebars with widgets.
  • Conditional Display: Displays sidebars based on post attributes.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures sidebars adjust to screen sizes.


<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

9. register_sidebar()

  • Sidebar Registration: Registers custom sidebars with unique attributes.
  • Widget Integration: Populates sidebars with diverse widgets.
  • Dynamic Placement: Places content dynamically based on context.


function my_custom_sidebar() { 
        'name' => 'Custom Element, 
        'id' => 'custom-element, 
        'before_widget' => '<div>', 
        'after_widget' => '</div>', 
        'before_title' => '<h3>', 
        'after_title' => '</h3>', 
add_action('widgets_init', 'my_custom_sidebar'); 

10. add_action() and add_filter()

  • Hook Integration: Hooks into WordPress processes for customization.
  • Action Hooks: Executes code at specific lifecycle points.
  • Filter Hooks: Modifies data before output or saving.
  • Custom Features: Implements custom functionality or modifies existing behaviors.


// Action Example 
function my_custom_function() { 
    echo '<p>Samarpan Infotech!</p>'; 
add_action('wp_footer', 'my_custom_function'); 

// Filter Example 
function my_custom_excerpt_length($length) { 
    return 20; // Custom excerpt length 
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_custom_excerpt_length'); 

11. get_option() and update_option()

  • Option Retrieval: Fetches stored options from the database.
  • Option Update: Updates or adds options programmatically.
  • Custom Settings: Manages settings for plugins or themes.


// Get an option 
$site_title = get_option('blogname'); 
echo $site_title; 

// Update an option 
update_option('blogname', 'My New Site Title'); 

12. wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style()

  • Script and Style Management: Manages JavaScript and CSS inclusion.
  • Dependency Handling: Ensures correct script and style loading order.
  • Version Control: Manages caching through version control.
  • Conditional Loading: Loads resources based on specific conditions.


function my_custom_scripts() { 
    wp_enqueue_style('my-style', get_stylesheet_uri() . '/css/custom.css, array(), '1.0.0', true); 
    wp_enqueue_script('my-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js', array(), '1.0.0', true); 
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_custom_scripts');

13. get_template_directory_uri()

  • Theme Asset URL Retrieval: Retrieves the URL of the current theme’s directory for linking assets.


echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/logo.png'; 

14. the_excerpt()

  • Content Summary: Displays a summary or excerpt of post content.
  • Custom Length: Controls excerpt length for preview purposes.
  • Readability and SEO: Enhances readability and SEO with optimized excerpts.


<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

15. get_search_form()

  • Search Form Display: Retrieves and displays the search form.
  • Customization: Modifies form appearance and functionality.
  • Integration: Incorporates the search form into various theme locations.


<?php get_search_form(); ?>

16. is_page()

  • Page Check: Determines if the current view is a specific page.
  • Conditional Logic: Applies logic or displays content based on the page.


if (is_page('about-us')) { 
    echo 'You are on the About Us page.'; 

17. wp_get_attachment_image_src()

  • Image Source Retrieval: Retrieves the URL of image attachments in various sizes.
  • Responsive Design: Adjusts image dimensions based on layout needs.


$image_id = 123; // Replace with your image ID 
$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'full'); 
echo $image_src[0]; // Image URL 

18. get_header()

  • Header Inclusion: Includes the header template file for consistent header content.


<?php get_footer(); ?>
  • Footer Inclusion: Includes the footer template file for consistent footer content.


<?php get_footer(); ?>

20. is_user_logged_in()

  • Login Check: Checks if the user is logged in.
  • Conditional Content: Displays content based on user login status.


if (is_user_logged_in()) { 
    echo 'Welcome, user!'; 
} else { 
    echo 'Please log in.'; 

21. wp_get_current_user()

  • Current User Retrieval: Retrieves information about the currently logged-in user.
  • User Data Access: Access user properties such as ID, username, and email.


$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); 
echo 'Username: ' . $current_user->user_login; 

22. get_the_ID()

  • Post ID Retrieval: Retrieves the ID of the current post or page in the loop.
  • Dynamic ID Usage: Useful for creating dynamic queries or links based on post ID.


$post_id = get_the_ID(); 
echo 'Post ID: ' . $post_id; 
  • Footer Scripts and Styles: Outputs necessary scripts and styles in the footer.
  • Plugin Integration: Ensures plugins add their scripts and functionality correctly.


<?php wp_footer(); ?> 

24. get_the_author_meta()

  • Author Metadata Retrieval: Retrieves specific metadata for a post author, such as bio or social links.
  • Enhanced Author Profiles: Customizes author profile displays based on retrieved data.


$author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); 
$author_bio = get_the_author_meta('description', $author_id); 
echo 'Author Bio: ' . $author_bio; 


Understanding WordPress functions can help you unlock the true potential of WordPress, whether you’re a developer looking to streamline your code or a site owner aiming to customize your site. By mastering key functions, you gain more control and flexibility in managing your site, making it more efficient and scalable.

If you’re looking to enhance your WordPress website with custom functions and need professional support, our WordPress Developers are here to help you every steps of the way. We specialize in creating tailored solutions that fit your unique business needs.