How to Solve Runtime Error in Angular with Node Version

How to Solve Runtime Error in Angular with Node Version
Samarth Mehta
Reading Time: 2 minutes


  • Prior knowledge of TypeScript.
  • Prior knowledge of JavaScript.

After updating Angular and node versions developers face many errors in old projects and this is one of these.

Angular error How to Solve Runtime Error in Angular with Node Version

  • This Error is based on the Node and Angular versions.
  • Developers face this error because their PCs have angular and node different versions as compared to angular old projects. This is the main reason.

Two Methods to Resolve Angular Runtime Error with Node Version

Here are two solutions for Node and Angular version-based errors.

Method 1:

The following Step is here :

1. Uninstall the angular version using these commands

Step 1 : npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

Step 2 : npm cache clean

Step 3: npm cache clean ––force

Step 4: npm cache verify

Step 5: ng version

  • Use this command to check if Angular is completely uninstalled or not.

2. Uninstall Node.js and remove Node.js all files

  • Node.js all files path

3. Install Node.js 14.15.5 version

4. Install Angular 14.2.7 version

  • npm install -g @angular/cli@14.2.7

Method 2:

The following Step is here :

1. Open Angular old project and open “package.json” file

Angular error 2 How to Solve Runtime Error in Angular with Node Version

2. After getting the Angular CLI version, go to and find your project CLI version, and get the Node version.

Angular error 3 How to Solve Runtime Error in Angular with Node Version

3. The third step is Uninstall Angular Using this command

Step 1: npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

Step 2: npm cache clean

Step 3: npm cache clean ––force

Step 4: npm cache verify

Step 4: ng version

  • Using this command to check if Angular is completely uninstalled or not.

4. Uninstall Node.js and remove Node.js all files

  • Node.js all files path

5. Install Node.js 16.13.0 version

6. Install Angular 15.2.4 version

  • npm install -g @angular/cli@15.2.4
Angular error 4 How to Solve Runtime Error in Angular with Node Version

So, I’ve explained two ways to solve project runtime errors in Angular with Node Version. I hope this article was helpful.

Posted in Coding Tutorials