eCommerce UX Best Practices For Development & Marketing

ecommerce ux best practices trends 2019
Hetal Sutariya
Reading Time: 10 minutes

This blog is going to cover every aspect of eCommerce UX to help you understand the need for the new UI/UX design of your eCommerce store.

Let begins with basic understanding of

What, How & Where are the future aspects of growth in e-commerce marketplace for 2020 and beyond?

With the rapid evolution of the retail industry, the eCommerce industry is flourishing as well. Each business owner is looking for an online presence to sell their services or products directly to the customers.


“As per the recent statistics by Global Market Research & Statics Portal Statista; eCommerce market is going to grow by 4.88 trillion dollars by the year 2021.”

Global retail e commerce market size 2014 2021 Statista
Global Retail eCommerce market size by 2021. >> Source:

But building a website or app doesn’t mean you will get success in the eCommerce industry. You need to pay special attention to the needs of your customers. The competition in the eCommerce industry is on the rise.

If you are planning to invade in the retail industry then you need to keep an eye on the latest e-commerce web development trends. Secondly; if you are already having your eCommerce store then you need an upgradation as per the latest trends.

Let’s start with the basic

What is UX?

UX stands for User Experience. Every website design depends on two major aspects the User Interface(UI) and the User Experience(UX). UI is the face of your store and UX is the way how your customers are going to interact with the store elements. UXD refers to User Experience Design which includes factors like ease of use, better usability, customer satisfaction and many more.

Now let’s understand – Why do we need a good user experience for any website? Let’s check out the advantages of UX for an eCommerce website.

Importance of Good UX on eCommerce Website & Application

The biggest concern of any eCommerce store is shopping cart abandonment; that is when your visitors leave your website without buying anything.

Yes, you can’t do anything for the people who are not interested in buying anything. But for those who can buy your products; your UX can indirectly enticing them to complete the checkout process.

Better Conversion And Retention

If you have an amazing website with interactive animations, great CTAs, and best design then your visitors are going to stay. This will increase the chances of converting your visitors to customers.

Along with that; a clear UX will help your visitors to find the products of their favorite category and hence you will get better retention.

Impact On The Bouncing Rate Of Website

If your users are in love with your design then they will stay; at least to check out the interesting elements. Hence; this will create a positive impact on the bounce rate of the website. As a result, your Google ranking will also improve.


A trendy design with elements which connects with the visitors will create a friendly impact. User-friendly designs can be created by following design trends.

Now that you are aware of the importance of UX in eCommerce. But what if you are out of budget for a brand new website? Here is the solution for that.

How to get a better UX on a tight budget?

If you are having cost issues and redesigning is not an option for you; then you can upgrade your website by using the below tips:

Smooth Checkout Process

Giant forms scare away the visitors; it is like a punishment for the visitors. Reduce the number of fields in the form which are not necessary. Secondly; try to automate the process as much as possible. Also; add fields with drop-down menus to allow the visitors to simply select from the list.

Select When To Show What Information

You need to create a balance between what details you should display at what time. Decide when you should show the price of the product and when you can show the deep details about the product. You need to make sure not to show too many details and not to hide the important details as well. These aspects are important to gain the trust of your customers.

DO NOT Force The Users To Commit

Ask yourself one simple question; Do I really need my visitors to sign up at initial stage?

Try to allow your visitors to check out your products. Once they are in love with what you are selling then they will love to share their details. Hence; don’t force your visitors to create an account on the website.

Check The Speed And Bugs Of The Website

This is the basic necessity of any website. Make sure to test and debug the website from time to time. Also; make your website fast because you have less than 5 seconds to impress your visitors.

In these 5 seconds, you need to show the visitors that you are able to fulfill their requirements. If they didn’t like what they saw for the first time they are going to close the tab without scrolling further.

It’s time to check out what eCommerce development trends are going to lead in 2020 and beyond. Here are the eCommerce UX trends for your business website and mobile app:

  1. Simplified Navigation
  2. High Defination & Clear Products Images
  3. Quick Payments Options
  4. Personalization
  5. Voice Search Compatibility
  6. Live Chat – Reliable Customer Care Support
  7. Facial Recognition And Touch Fingerprint Scanner
  8. Mobile First UX Priority

Simplified Navigation

Gone are the days of cluttered menus; your customers focus more on clear product images. This is the era of Consistent, Minimal and Interactive designs. eCommerce industry is evolving towards cleaner designs for smooth user experience.

E-commerce Website UX Navigation

Moreover; traditional navigation is transforming to new drop-down menus. Companies like Amazon and Walmart have already adopted a clear and simple navigation option. And other eCommerce leaders are also moving towards this trend rapidly.

The navigation of your website should be smooth enough to guide your visitors throughout the session. Furthermore; it should have the proper call to actions(CTA) to help them understand the purpose of that button.

Related Article: Divine Graphic Design Trends That Will Reign 2019 and beyonds

Better Images

Nobody wants to see the small, low-resolution images of their products. Do your customers want to see clear images of your products to figure out how exactly the product look? You don’t only have to upload larger images; this will only grab the attention of your visitors. You need to focus on converting them to your customers; for that use high-resolution images.

E-commerce UX Product Food Image HD
High Definition Product Image

Images from different angles will help the customers to check out the product details and make the purchase decision.

Allow your customers to zoom into the images and check out the fine details of the products.

E-commerce UX Product Zoom Image
eCommerce Product Zoom Image. Source:

Quick Payments

Your customers are looking for a secure, fast and simple checkout and payment process. They want their personal data to be secure by reliable encryption methods. Also, they want to buy their products in a single click; with no need of entering their data again and again.

E-commerce UX Quick Payments Options

The easiest way is by partnering with banks, and credit card companies and mobile for providing smooth online payment services. Provide pre-entered data from your customers when they are at the checkout process.

Additionally; you can add wallets like Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Apple Pay for secure transactions from fingerprint scanning.


Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and data analytics are on the rise. As a result; the eCommerce websites are serving more personalized results to the visitors.

E-commerce UX Personalization Options

2019 is going to be all about making your customers feel special with personalized UX approach. This will allow the eCommerce websites to display relevant results to the customers like what exactly they want, the price, at the right time.

Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistants are defining the search process. The upcoming years are going to be all about voice search, more and more users will move to this easiest way of the search for any product.


Recent studies have proved that by 2020, 30 percent of search will be without any screen and from the voice assistants.

Live Chat – Reliable Customer Care Support

Well, Live Chat is something which is not new; but still, it is a hot favorite of every eCommerce store owners and the customers. Wondering why?

The reason is; Live Chat is 24 hours customer service which means your customers can ask their queries anytime and they don’t have to hold on the phone calls for hours to connect with a Representative.

Facial Recognition And Touch Fingerprint Scanner

To help your customers checkout quickly these two technologies are vital. Almost every smartphone has Facial Recognition or Fingerprint scanner or both. These are used as a good security feature.

Facial Recognition And Touch Fingerprint Scanner Support eCommerce UX Best Practices For Development & Marketing

Hence; while initiating the payment your users will prefer these tech trends instead of traditional password methods. This is not only limited to payment options; you can also allow your customers to log in to their accounts without passwords from fingerprint scanning or facial recognition.

Mobile First UX

There is no doubt that most of your customers will reach to your website from their smartphone. Hence; mobile-responsive UX is still going to lead in 2019 and near future.

Ecommerce Mobile First UX Priority Image

Always make sure to check how your design elements will look on the mobile devices. Try to follow design methods which are compatible with both; large screens and small screens.

So; these were the top eCommerce UX trends for 2020.

Lets quickly check out a few eCommerce UX design principles to help you build an amazing eCommerce store with trending experience. Here are a few UXD practices which you can follow to deliver an amazing experience to your visitors.

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List of Top eCommerce UX Design (UXD) Practices

  1. Focus on functionality
  2. Know your audience
  3. Keep the search bar within the reach of the visitor
  4. Keep your CTAs short and clear
  5. Highlight Safe Payment Options
  6. Detail page for each product
  7. Coherent Typography and Colors Scheme

Now it’s time to learn a few eCommerce UX practices for 2020 which every designer should follow to design the best UX/UI for every business.

Focus on Functionality:

Most of the people focus so much on the design that they forget to work on the features and functionalities of the website and app. Keep a balance between the UI and UX.

List out what types of features and functions will be needed in your website and then discuss with the designer how to display these features in the most beautiful and easy way.

Know Your Audience

The foremost important aspect for any business is the buyers. Before you start the process of design and development make sure to list out your target and potential buyers, their age group, demographics, and preferences.

This will help the designers to create what the visitors will love to see. As a result, the website will connect better with the psychology of visitors.

Keep The Search tab Within The Reach Of The Visitor

The search tab should be clearly visible and within the reach of your visitors all the time. This will help the audience to reach where ever they want instantly.

The best way to help your visitor is by allowing them to get the products they want quickly and the Search tab is the best option for that. Also; if they want to compare two products then search option is the best way to find the products.

Keep your CTAs Short and Clear

Make sure your CTA deliver the right message to the visitors. Your conversion rate depends on the Call To Action of your website. Secondly; the content of the CTA button should be short and crisp to force the visitors to click.

For eCommerce websites, it is important to create a state of urgency to push the buyers. CTAs play a major role. Furthermore; you need to make sure to create content and prepare your visitors in advance to click on the button. This will increase your Click Through Rate.

Highlight Safe Payment Options

Online buyers are still skeptical about providing their bank details online. Hence; it is necessary to build trust with your buyers. The best way for this is by showing them the safe and secure payment options.

Highlight the worldwide trusted brands like Apple Pay and Google Pay in your websites or eCommerce app. This will increase their confidence that they are buying from a genuine website and there won’t be any fraud.

Detail Page For Each Product

Your customers want to know about the product they are buying. As a result; a detailed page for each product is necessary with features, images, and details of the products.

Most of the eCommerce websites invest much of their time on home page design and details and they forgot about the product detail pages. Always keep in mind that your customers will spend more time on product details, not on the home page.

Coherent Typography and Colors Scheme

Keep in mind to select fonts which are easily readable and understandable for every kind of customers.

An eCommerce portal has most probably all age groups of customers and from different regions and background. It is important to select the form and colors based on that.

If your website has dedicated users; for e.g only females then you can select the fonts based on that. This will, in turn, help your customers to connect with the website.

These are a few principles you need to ask your designers to follow for the best UX design of your eCommerce website.


Now you are aware of the eCommerce UX trends of 2020, the design principles, the importance of UX for eCommerce and few eCommerce UI designs tips it’s time to plan out your eCommerce portal UX.

If you are looking for expert web designers who understand the importance of UX along with a beautiful UI then you are at the right place. Samarpan infotech has a team of experienced and skilled designers who understands your need and the trends in your business niche.

Still having doubts about your eCommerce website design or app design? Get in touch with us now.

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