Resolving the Elementor Not Loading Error: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Fix the Elementor Editor Not Loading Error (7 Methods)
Keval Rana
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Elementor is a popular page builder plugin for WordPress, offering a wide range of customization options for users. However, sometimes users may encounter an error where the Elementor editor fails to load, making it difficult to create and manage their website content.In this article, we’ll explore the seven methods to resolve the Elementor not loading error.


  • WordPress 6.0 or Greater: Elementor works with WordPress version 6.0 or greater.(Elementor recommends using the latest version of WordPress)
  • PHP 7.4 or Greater: If your site is hosted on a server with an older PHP, you may experience issues. We recommend you to contact your hosting provider to upgrade to the latest version of PHP. Elementor may also work with PHP 7.0+.
  • MySQL 5.6 or Greater: MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.
  • WP Memory Limit: WP Memory limit of 256 MB (Elementor and Elementor Pro only), 512 MB recommended, 768 MB for best performance.

How to Fix the Elementor Editor Not Loading Error

Here are the 7 possible ways to fix Elementor not loading issues and errors

  • 1. Enable Switch Editor Loader
  • 2. Check for Plugin Conflicts
  • 3. Update PHP Version & Increase PHP Memory Limit
  • 4. Update Elementor Latest Version
  • 5. Check .htaccess File
  • 6. Increase Apache Service Limit
  • 7. Change Your Current Theme

1. Enable Switch Editor Loader

The Elementor editor is not loaded due to server configuration conflicts. Likely Elementor gives an option to solve this issue. You can fix it by going to Elementor–>Settings-Advanced area. Here, you need to Enable the Switch Editor Loader Method.

Elementor editor setting dashboard

2. Check for Plugin Conflicts

Elementor editor is sometimes unable to work due to other plugins conflicts you have used for WordPress websites. That’s why you should check every plugin. You can deactivate all the plugins except Elementor. Then Activate one by one and watch carefully which plugin causes the error.

Wordpress plugins dashboard

If you find a plugin, deactivate the plugin again and contact the plugin company to resolve the issue.

3. Update PHP Version & Increase PHP Memory Limit

Your Elementor widgets panel is not loaded due to some of the common WordPress errors like not updating your server PHP version or increasing PHP memory limit. So whenever you create a WordPress website you should update the server PHP version as well as improve the PHP memory limit.

You can increase the PHP memory limit by editing the wp-config.php file using your cPanel. After login to your cPanel account, go to the public_html->yourwerbsite->wp-config.php.

$table_prefix = 'wp_'; 

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
Wordpress site health dashboard

4. Update Elementor Latest Version

This is not a major cause, but sometimes a lower version of the Elementor plugin can prevent the editor from loading. So, it’s best practice to use the latest version of Elementor and update it regularly whenever it needs an update.

You can easily update your Elementor plugin by going to Dashboard– >Plugins–>Installed Plugins area. Then find the plugin and click the Update Now link to get the job done.

Wordpress installed plugins dashboard

5. Check .htaccess File

The .htaccess (Hypertext Access) file is the Apache distributed server configuration file that is used to set the server configuration for a specific directory. Using this file, you can make necessary changes such as error-handling, redirects to specific URLs, user permissions, authorization, & more on your website.

Well, the incorrect settings in the .htaccess file can also fail to load your Elementor editor panel. You can solve this issue by creating a new .htaccess file with the default content. But make sure that you back up the existing .htaccess file.

Related Read: How to Locate, Create And Edit WordPress .htaccess File

6. Increase Apache Service Limit

If your website exceeds the Apache server limit, your Elementor editor may not load properly. By adding the following code to the .htaccess file, you can increase the limit of your Elementor site’s Apache server and solve the issue.

<IfModule mod_substitute.c> 

SubstituteMaxLineLength 30m 


LimitRequestBody 9999999

7. Change Your Current Theme

Like the plugins, your current activated theme also can be the reason for the Elementor loading problem. If you try the other ways but are not able to solve the problem then you should change your current theme and active a default WordPress theme.

Go to your website backend area Dashboard–>Appearance–>Themes. And change your current theme. we need to change it and active the Twenty Twenty-One theme.


Resolving the Elementor not loading error is crucial for a seamless web design process. By following these step-by-step solutions, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix this issue, ensuring a smooth experience with Elementor.

If you are still facing issues after following our step-by-step guide, our Elementor developers are ready to assist you. They will evaluate your website and find the root cause of the error.