How to Create a WordPress Child Theme (In 5 Steps Guide)

Two images are showing process of creating wordpress child theme
Minal Vaghela
Reading Time: 4 minutes

WordPress is a powerful and flexible content management system that allows users to customize their websites to fit their specific needs. One of the ways to achieve this customization is through the use of child themes. In this article, we will explore step-by-step guide on how to create child theme.

What is a Child Theme in WordPress?

A WordPress child theme is a special kind of theme that lets you customize your site without changing the original theme, which is called the parent theme.

Let’s say you have a parent theme called “Simple Theme” installed on your WordPress website. You like its overall look but want to tweak the colors or add new features. Instead of editing “Simple Theme” directly (which can be risky because updates to the theme might overwrite your changes), you create a child theme.

Instead of directly editing the files of the “Simple Theme,” which can be risky because your changes might get lost when the theme updates, you can create a child theme.

This child theme is like a safe zone where you can make all the changes you want. It uses everything from the parent theme, like its layout and features, but lets you add your own customizations. This way, your changes stay safe even when the parent theme gets updated.

So, in simple terms, a child theme is a way to customize your WordPress website without messing with the main design and features of the original theme. It helps keep your modifications organized and protected, letting you make your site look and function exactly how you want.

5 Steps to Create a Child Theme in WordPress

Creating a child theme in WordPress is a straightforward process that gives you the freedom to customize your site while keeping your main theme intact.

Step 1: Access Your Control Panel

  1. First, you’ll need access to your hosting control panel (cPanel). If you don’t have the login credentials, contact your hosting provider to get them.
  2. Once you have access, log in to your control panel and navigate to Files -> File Manager. Click on the File Manager option to open a new interface.
Wordpress cpanel dashboard

Step 2: Create a New Folder

  1. In the File Manager, navigate to public_html -> wp-content -> themes. This is where all your site’s themes are stored.
  2. Create a new folder here and name it to indicate that it’s a child of your parent theme. For this tutorial, we’ll name it “Child Theme” to indicate it’s a child of the “twentytwentyfour” theme.
Creating new child theme folder in wordpress cpanel

Step 3: Copy Parent Theme Files

  1. Copy all the files and folders from the “twentytwentyfour” parent theme folder and paste them into your new “Child Theme” folder.
  2. Once copied, reload the “Child Theme” folder to ensure all files and folders are present.
Child theme folder in cPanel

Step 4: Edit the Style.css File

  1. Right-click on the style.css file inside your “Child Theme” folder and select the edit option.
  2. Change the line Theme Name: Twenty Twenty-Four to Theme Name: Child Theme.
  3. Save the file to apply the changes.
Editing option in child theme

Step 5: Activate Child Theme

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and locate the “Appearance” tab. From there, click on “Themes.”
  2. You’ll see your newly created “Child Theme” listed among the available options.
  3. Simply activate it to apply your customizations and ensure that your site reflects your unique style while preserving the integrity of the parent theme.
Active child theme


Creating a child theme in WordPress is a straightforward process that allows you to customize your website’s appearance and functionality without compromising the stability and security of your parent theme. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily create a child theme and start customizing your WordPress website to suit your needs.

If you facing any issues while creating a child theme or require further assistance, we are ready to help with our WordPress theme development services. Our professionals can assist you through the process and ensure that your child theme is properly configured and functioning as intended.