How to Hire Top ReactJS Developers? Guide for 2024

Guide to Hire Top Reactjs Developers in 2020
Sandip Malaviya
Reading Time: 9 minutes

If you are someone who wants to hire Reactjs developers but afraid to hire a wrong one? This blog is a detailed guide to hire react js developer as per your requirements.

We have divided the blog into sections to keep it simple and clean

So let’s start with the most common part:

What is ReactJS?

When you are hiring a developer it is necessary to understand a bit about the technology. This will help you in analyzing the skills of the developer you are hiring.

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library mainly used to build the user interface of single-page applications. It is developed and designed by Facebook and was first deployed on Facebook’s Newsfeed.

Do You Know? as per Stack Overflow Developers 2019 Survey Results; Reactjs is the most loved web framework with 74.5% votes.

React.js Most Loved Web Framework in Stack Overflow Developers Survey 2019
React.js Most Loved Web Framework – Stack Overflow Developers Survey 2019

What is the difference between Reactjs and React Native?

This might look like a silly question for some, but for others, this is a big confusion. This is the reason we have decided to write cover this small section as well.

DifferenceReactJS or ReactReact Native
#1React.js is a JavaScript library which is useful in building high performing user interface layer.React native is an entire platform that allows building native as well as cross-platform mobile apps.
#2React.js is best for developing responsive, dynamic and high performing UI for any web interface.React Native is beneficial when you want to build a cross-platform app with a native feel.
Comparison between React/Reactjs and React Native

Interesting FACT: From SimilarTech Comparison between AngularJS and ReactJS, Reactjs has top website market share in the entire web with 4.73% in the top 10K websites.

ReactJS vs AngularJS Market Share by Top Websites prepare by SimilarTech.
ReactJS vs AngularJS Market Share by Top Websites – SimilarTech

Benefits of React.js

There are few solid reasons behind the popularity of React like

  1. Flexibility
  2. Scalability
  3. Performance
  4. Stability
  5. Component-based Structure
  6. SEO Friendly Apps

Now we are going to look one by one:

  • Flexibility: React can combine with different types of state managers like Reflux, Redux, Flux or Alt. Also; it builds an app of the different architectural patterns.
  • Scalability: ReactJS use a single language to build the client-side and server-side mobile app.
  • Performance: with the help of one of the most powerful reconciliation algorithms known as Virtual DOM, ReactJS compares the current page structure with the structure of the planned page. As a result; it updates the components just when the data changes.
  • Stability: ReactJS is backward compatible. It means that it will change its interface rarely or not at all. 
  • Component-based Structure: the component-based structure of ReactJS allows to create encapsulated components that manage their state. React compose these components to develop complex UIs.
  • SEO-Friendly: Every business wants to rank on top today; ReactJS makes SEO friendly apps with the help of predefined tools.

DID YOU KNOW? As per Survey from SimilarTech; more than 1 million websites are built in Reactjs.

ReactJS MarketShare & Web Usage Statistics - SimilarTech
ReactJS MarketShare & Web Usage Statistics – SimilarTech

How to hire ReactJS developers?

Now let’s have a look at the process of hiring the right ReactJS developer for your project.

Step 1: List out your requirements and your expectations from the developer

Believe it or not, but your clarity on what you need and what you want is very necessary when it comes to hire top developers. If you are not sure about what you want how can you expect it from someone who has your version of the project brief.

Step 2: Finalize the urgency

In how many days you need your app? This step will help you to decide if you need a single developer or a team of react js developers. The less time you have the more developers you will need. 

Step 3: Decide your budget

Your budget will decide the timeline of your project. If you want to build your app quickly then you need to spend more money on hiring more developers and spending more money on the hiring process.

Step 4: Search for the top developers

Now start your search for the developers. List out the top companies or freelancers which you think are suitable for your project requirements.

Step 5: Interview the developer

To check the skills and knowledge of your reactjs developer you need to ask relevant questions to the developer.

Step 6: Finalize the developer

Once you are all set with the interview process its time to finalize the right developer for your project and kick start the work.

FACT: DID YOU KNOW? As per Survey; In 2019, React added 22.9k stars, making it the #2 most popular front-end framework on GitHub.

React Front end Framework 22.9k Stars on GitHub
React Front end Framework 22.9k Stars on GitHub

Further Read: Why Outsource ReactJS Development? Benefits and Guide for Hire Team of Developers

Hire a Freelancer Versus Dedicated ReactJS developer?

The most common dilemma when it comes to the development of a project is to go for a freelancer or to hire a remote developer. Here we are going to discuss both of the ways.


When you hire a developer from a company you will sign a non-disclosure agreement with the company which will assure you to secure your idea and data related to the app.

While a freelancer is not responsible for the security of the app idea because there is no concept of signing a non-disclosure agreement when it comes to working with a freelancer.


There is no way to test the expertise of a freelancer; you will have to trust on the information they have provided. But when it comes to working with a remote developer of a company we know that a company will hire an expert for its company.


Any React development company has a reputation to manage in the market while a freelancer does not care. So when you hire remote React.JS developer you will get quality work but with a freelancer, quality may not be a priority. A freelancer just wants to complete the task and get the payment.


A well-reputed company has registered addresses everywhere; on the website, social media, and Google. You can get in touch with the company easily. But with the freelancer, you don’t know any way to connect with them unless they provide it.

Now Let’s see

These are a few points to consider when you get confused between hiring a freelancer or a company developer.

Top skills look for when hiring React developers

When you hire reactjs developers make sure to check for the following skills before giving out your project to them.

  1. Deep knowledge of Pure JavaScript.
  2. Experience of ReactJS, React web framework and React Native.
  3. Understanding of Jest for test coverage.
  4. Work experience on related technologies like Webpack, Node.js, Redux, Babel, HTML5 along with some CSS Preprocessors.
  5. Understanding of Architectural patterns.

Interview Questions for hiring Reactjs developers

Now here are a few questions that will help you to understand more about the developer professionally and technically.

General Soft-skill Questions

These questions will help you understand if the developer is capable to work in certain pressure if the developer is a team player or not and many other similar questions.

  1. Describe yourself in three sentences.
  2. One of your colleagues is belittling you in front of everyone what will you do?
  3. Your team members are quitting the job one after the other, what will you do?
  4. Which one was the most difficult situation in your career?
  5. How do you keep progress track when working on multiple projects?

Technical Screening Questions

How Reactjs is different from other frameworks?

React has a major focus on the creation of components. It does not depend more on architecture; which provides flexibility in choosing the architecture they prefer for the app. 

What is JSX?

JSX stands for JavaScript XML. JSX utilizes the expressiveness of Javascript like Template syntax. This type of file is responsible for the robustness and boosting performance.

What do you know about Flux?

Flux is a popular architectural pattern that is responsible for the unidirectional data flow. The core purpose of flux is to keep the derived data under control so that different components can interact with the data with any risk.

Have you heard of “In react, everything is component”? What is it?

For any React applications’ UI components are considered as the building blocks. These UI components then divide the entire UI into small reusable as well as independent pieces.

Check out other Technical Interview Screening Questions for Hiring React Developers here.

What is the Stateful component and Stateless Component?

When you compare, Stateful component stores the information about the state of the component. Where as Stateless component keeps the calculation of the internal state of the component.

The Average Salary of a Reactjs developer

Wondering how much you will have to pay to the developer you have hired?

As per the report by; the average salary of a reactjs developer in the US is $93,166. Among all the JavaScript developers ReactJS developers have the highest salaries. Below is the list of salary of the developers in every country:

  • United States – $93,166
  • Canada – $65,187
  • New Zealand – NZ$56,992 ($37,570)
  • United Kingdom – £53,599 ($47,615)
  • Austria – €38,973 ($45,172)
  • Germany – €49,525 ($57,400)
  • Singapore – S$53,861($39,369)
  • Australia – AU$79,289 
  • Netherlands – €41,148 ($48,200)
  • Spain – €31,469 ($38,983)
  • Belgium – €36,358 ($42,141)
  • Sweden – $57,321
  • Israel – ILS 234,220 ($65,758)
  • Hong Kong – HK$313,808 ($39,983)

There is no doubt that the US has the highest salary for software developers. In hi-tech cities like New York and San Francisco, the number can increase up to $110,071 per year.

Avg Hourly Rates: React.js Developers – India VS Rest of World

Now that we know the monthly and annual salary of React.js developers; let us have a look at the per-hour rates of the developers.

Developer LevelIndian Dev’s per Hours Rates(USD)Rest of Worlds Dev’s per Hours Rates(USD)
Junior Developer$8 to $15$41 to $60
Mid level Developer $16 to $35 $60 to $81
Senior Developer $36 to $70 $80 to $120

As you can see there is a lot of difference between the hourly rates of India and other countries. Indian developers charge way less than almost every other country around the world.

Wondering why? We have the answer for that as well. 

Why Hire React.js developers from India?

There is no doubt that Indian developers are more competitive when it comes to skills and knowledge and charge less as compared to others. Now first let us have a look at why Indian companies have the best developers.

India is The Outsourcing Hub

Most of the companies and individuals from everywhere around the world prefer to outsource development work to Indian companies. Hence; India has become the hub for outsourcing any type of IT-related work.

DID YOU KNOW? How big is the Indian IT & ITeS Industry? Take a look at below Infographics published by

Indian IT and ITeS Sector Statistics Infographic IBEF
Indian IT and ITeS Sector Statistics Infographic IBEF

Government Policies

The Indian government has adopted certain policies to boost the outsourcing of work to the Indian IT industry. There are certain initiatives from the Indian government that has to build a roadmap for the Indian IT outsourcing.

Don’t forget to Check: Infographics on IT Industry & ITeS in India by

Infographics on IT Industry & ITeS in India
Infographics on IT Industry & ITeS in India

Highly Skilled Developers

There is no doubt that Indian developers have good practical knowledge and experience to work with different types of industries. As per the report by Statista; In the year 2018; India had the second-highest number of Android developers around the world.

We can understand your concern about the difference in per-hour rates. If you are thinking that Indian companies charge less because they compromise with the quality of the results then this is not right.

Here are

Two important reasons why Indian developers charge less as compared to developers from other countries.

  1. High Competition: As have read above; India has an abundance of developers. Hence there is high competition in the Indian market.
  2. Economy difference; when you compare the rate of INR with USD; you will see there is a lot of difference. 1 $ USD is equivalent to ~71.00 INR. This is the major reason that Indian developers are more affordable.

FAQs about Hiring React Developers

How do you assure confidentiality on my project?

We sign a Non-disclosure agreement before discussing the idea of the client to make sure the project idea is safe. Moreover, our employees sign a Non-disclosure agreement as well to keep the details of the project secure.

Who will have the right to the code of my project?

The code rights will be exclusively owned by the client only. Also; the code will never be reused for any other client.

What about the time zone difference?

We understand that our time zone is completely different from the US, Canada, Australia, and several other regions. That’s why we will try to assign developers who are ready to work as per your time zone. which makes communicate with developers easy.

What if I am not satisfied with the work quality of your developer?

Even though the developers at Samarpan Infotech are experts in their field but if you are not happy with the work of the developer we will change the developer.

Conclusion: Over To YOU!

As you read above; ReactJS developers are in high demand. If you want to hire ReactJS developer then you need to make sure to hire a skilled developer at an affordable hourly rate to avoid all type of losses(Financial, HR, Time etc).

You can search for a reactjs development company and hire experts from Topal, GoodFirms, Clucth etc as well. BUT

If you want a seamless process then you can connect with our team today to hire senior react.js developers with top skills and extensive technical knowledge(8+ years).

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