Magento to Shopify Migration: 7 Steps for a Smooth Transition

A laptops with icons and symbols are showing Magento to Shopify migration process
Keval Rana
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Are you tired of the limitations and complexities of your Magento store, but unsure of how to make the switch to Shopify? You’re not alone. Magento, once a popular choice for e-commerce platforms, has become increasingly cumbersome and difficult to manage, especially for smaller businesses. Meanwhile, Shopify has emerged as a user-friendly and scalable solution that offers a seamless shopping experience for customers.

In this guide will go through the 7 essential steps to ensure a successful migration. Additionally, we will discuss key considerations and benefits to keep in mind after the migration is complete.

How to Migrate from Magento to Shopify (7 Steps Guide)

To migrate from Magento to Shopify, follow these 7 step by step guide:

Step 1: Back Up Your Magento Store

Before starting the migration process, it’s crucial to back up your Magento store. This ensures that all your data, including products, orders, and customer information, is safely stored and can be easily restored if needed. You can use Magento’s built-in backup feature or third-party tools to create a backup of your store. Let’s go through the steps to backup from Magento using the built-in feature.

  1. Log in to your Magento Admin Panel: This is the starting point for accessing all your store data.
  2. Navigate to System > Tools > Backups: Here, you’ll find options for different types of backups.
  3. Choose the Backup Type:
    • System backup: Backup of your database and file system
    • Database and media backup: Customer information and product photos backup
    • Database backup: Only Database backup
  4. Start the Backup Process: Click on the appropriate backup button and wait for the process to complete. Ensure that the backup files are stored securely, preferably on an external drive or cloud storage.

Step 2: Create a New Shopify Store

To start, you need to create a new Shopify store. Choose a Shopify plan that fits your business needs. Shopify offers several plans, each with different features and pricing. Consider your current store’s size, expected growth, and required functionalities when selecting a plan. Let’s follow the steps below to set up your new store.

  1. Sign up on the Shopify website: Visit Shopify and click on “Start free trial.”
  2. Enter your store details: Provide a unique store name, your email address, and create a secure password.
  3. Follow the setup wizard: Shopify’s setup wizard will guide you through entering your business information, including address and industry specifics.
  4. Choose a Shopify plan: Shopify offers different pricing plans, including Basic Shopify, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus. Evaluate your business needs and select a plan accordingly. Remember, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time

Step 3: Download the Store Import App

To migrate your Magento data to Shopify, you will need to use a store import app. These apps are designed to streamline the data migration process, ensuring that your products, customers, orders, and other critical information are transferred seamlessly. Several apps can help with the Magento to Shopify migration. Some of the best include:

  1. Cart2Cart: This app offers automated migration services, allowing you to transfer products, customers, orders, and more with minimal effort.
  2. LitExtension: Known for its robust data transfer capabilities, LitExtension supports a wide range of data types and provides extensive support.
  3. Transporter App: Developed by Shopify, this app is specifically designed for migrating large volumes of data.

When selecting a migration app, consider factors such as the app’s features, pricing, and user reviews to ensure that it meets your specific migration requirements.

Step 4: Export Data from Magento

Exporting data from your Magento store is an important step in the migration process. You can utilize Magento’s built-in export feature or use third-party extensions to export your data. It’s essential to export all required data, such as products, customers, orders, and categories. Let’s go through the steps to export data from Magento using the built-in export feature.

  1. Log in to your Magento admin panel.
  2. Navigate to System > Data Transfer > Export.
  3. Choose the data entities you want to export, such as products, customers, and orders.
  4. Select the file format (CSV or XML) and start the export process.
  5. Save the exported file to your computer

Step 5: Import Data to Shopify

After exporting your data from Magento, you can start importing it into your new Shopify store. You can utilize Magento’s built-in product and customer import feature or use other apps for the import process. Let’s go through the steps to import from Magento using the apps.

  1. Open the Store Import App: In your Shopify admin, go to Apps and open the Store Import App.
  2. Upload the Exported Data File: Click on Add file and upload the data file you exported from Magento.
  3. Map Data Fields: Ensure that the data fields from Magento are correctly mapped to their corresponding fields in Shopify. This step is crucial for maintaining data integrity.
  4. Start the Import Process: Click on Import and wait for the process to be completed. The duration will depend on the size of your data.
  5. Review Imported Data: After the import is complete, review the imported data to ensure accuracy. Check for any discrepancies or missing information.

Below, you can check out how to import products from Magento to Shopify.

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Products in the sidebar.
  3. Select “import” at the top right of the Products page
  4. Upload CSV File:
    • Click on Add file and select the CSV file you exported from Magento.
    • Ensure that your CSV file is compatible with Shopify’s CSV format and does not exceed 15 MB.
  5. Click Upload and then Continue.
  6. Review and Import.

Step 6: Test Your Shopify Store

Before launching, thoroughly test your new Shopify store. Check for any data discrepancies, broken links, or missing images. Ensure that all functionalities, such as payment gateways and shipping methods, are working correctly.

  1. Product Data Validation: Compare the data in your Shopify store with the original data from Magento to ensure accuracy.
  2. Test Payment Gateways: Make test transactions using different payment methods to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  3. Check Shipping Settings: Verify that your shipping settings are correctly configured and test the checkout process.
  4. Review Site Navigation: Navigate through your store to check for broken links, missing images, and other issues.
  5. Test on Multiple Devices: Ensure that your store looks and functions well on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Step 7: Launch Your Shopify Store

After testing your Shopify store, you can launch it and start accepting orders. Ensure that all necessary settings and configurations are in place before going live. This includes setting up payment gateways, shipping options, and tax settings.

  1. Announce the Launch: Use email marketing, social media, and on-site notifications to inform your customers about the migration and the new Shopify store.
  2. Monitor Store Performance: Keep a close eye on your store’s performance and address any issues promptly.

What to Consider After Migration from Magento to Shopify?

  1. Product Variants: Shopify allows you to create product variants more easily than Magento. Ensure that all product variants are correctly set up and mapped to the corresponding products.
  2. Inventory Management: Shopify offers advanced inventory management features. Ensure that your inventory levels are correctly set up and synced with your suppliers.
  3. Redirect URLs: Set up redirect URLs to ensure that customers are redirected to the correct pages after the migration. This is particularly important for SEO purposes.
  4. Site Speed and Performance: Optimize your Shopify store’s site speed and performance to improve customer experience and search engine rankings.
  5. Legal and Compliance Considerations: Ensure that your Shopify store complies with all legal and regulatory requirements, including payment gateways, shipping options, and tax settings.
  6. Customer Support: Provide excellent customer support to help your customers adjust to the new store. This includes addressing any issues or concerns they may have.
  7. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates: Regularly update and maintain your Shopify store to ensure that it remains secure, efficient, and up to date.

5 Benefits of Migration from Magento to Shopify

  1. Ease of Use: Shopify’s intuitive interface makes it easy to manage your store without technical expertise. This allows you to focus on growing your business rather than dealing with complex technical issues.
  2. Scalability: Shopify can handle growing businesses with ease, offering various plans and features that scale with your needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Shopify has solutions to fit your requirements.
  3. Support: Shopify provides 24/7 customer support and extensive documentation. This ensures that you can get help whenever you need it, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth operations.
  4. App Integrations: A wide range of Shopify apps are available to extend your store’s functionality. Whether you need marketing tools, inventory management solutions, or customer service apps, Shopify’s App Store has you covered.
  5. Security: Shopify’s robust security measures protect your store and customer data. With PCI compliance, SSL certificates, and regular security updates, you can trust that your store is secure.

How much does Magento to Shopify migration cost?

The cost of migrating from Magento to Shopify can vary depending on the complexity of your store, the amount of data to be transferred, and the level of customization required. On average, the cost of a Shopify migration can range from $900 to $1,200 or more. Contact us today to get a personalized quote for your migration.

Ready to Make the Switch?

Migrating from Magento to Shopify can be a significant undertaking, but with the right approach, it can be a seamless transition. By following the steps outlined in this article and considering key factors, you can ensure a successful migration and take advantage of the benefits that Shopify has to offer.

If you need assistance and are facing issues with migration, contact our Magento to Shopify migration experts. We have extensive experience in developing and migrating e-commerce stores from various platforms, including Magento. Our team has a deep understanding of Shopify’s features and capabilities.