#5 Benefits of Outsourcing Angular Development

Benifits of Outsourcing Angular Development
Dhara Tank
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Angular is one of the most popular typescript-based front-end development frameworks in the market. Initially introduced as AngularJS in 2009, the framework has managed to gain remarkable recognition from developers across the globe.

According to a developer’s survey conducted by Stack Overflow in 2019, nearly 30% of developers use Angular to design interactive and user-friendly interfaces for their web applications.

Angular Web Framework Usage For Web App Development 2019

Since almost one-third of the development community relies on Angular development, it’s safe to say that the framework can meet all the modern web-app requirements you’ll need to engage the end-user. 

However, despite being such a versatile development framework, Angular has the steepest learning curve. Unless you’re an expert, you won’t be able to build dynamic web applications using Angular.

No doubt, you can hire an in-house team of Angular developers, but that would cost a fortune as such experts usually have high salary expectations.

Did You Know? Hiring a software engineer takes 35 days, on an average in the USA.

source: www.computerworld.com

This is when you can outsource Angular development to an offshore agency and cut-down the development cost by a huge margin, without compromising with the quality at all. 

Despite what you may think, outsourcing Angular development can help your business in many ways. So, in this article, we’ll walk you through a few of the benefits of hiring remote Angular developers for your web app.

Before we begin with the benefits of outsourcing Angular development, let’s quickly understand what Angular is and why companies should choose it to design the front-end of their web application.

What is Angular Web Framework?

Angular is an open-source front-end development framework, developed by Google, which is used to design interactive user-interfaces. Angular was released in 2016 by the same team that designed AngularJS back in 2009. 

The main motive behind the relaunch was to match the modern web development requirements and compete with other popular frameworks like Facebook’s ReactJS.

Let’s us Compare: Angular vs. React: Which is Better for Your Web Apps?

It’s been three years since the first launch and already a large portion of the development community is using Angular to design dynamic web applications.

Why Should You Choose Angular for Front-End Development?

Here are some of the factors that make the Angular web development framework a reliable tool to design the user interface of a web app.

Advantages of Angular Web Framework and Liked Aspects
Liked Aspects of Angular Web Framework among developers
Image Source: morioh.com

  • Angular is supported by the biggest tech-giant, i.e., Google. More importantly, many Google services are designed using Angular itself, which means the company is quite optimistic about its framework.
  • Angular is one of the few TypeScript-based frameworks, which ensure high security and quick error elimination.
  • Unlike other frameworks, Angular is capable of restricting cross-site scripting attacks.
  • Since Angular uses HTML instead of JavaScript to design User Interface (UI), you can expect quick development.

Now, that you know the benefits of choosing Angular for front-end development, let’s discuss the reasons why you should outsource Angular development to an offshore agency. 

What are Benefits of Outsourcing Angular Development?

(1) Cut-Down Development Cost

For many years, businesses have relied on outsourcing to cut-down the development cost and increase their revenue. It’s worth noting that there’s a significant diversification in the per hour development rates in different countries.

As compared to an in-house team of Angular developers in the US, the development rates in Asian countries like India and China are comparatively lower. This huge difference is one of the major reasons why you should outsource Angular development to an offshore agency in India. 

(2) High Expertise

As we mentioned earlier, Angular is one of the most complex front-end frameworks. If you want to reap its full benefits, it is imperative to have a team of expert Angular developers by your side. 

Now, offshore agencies have a team of highly skilled developers who have experience in designing engaging UI using Angular’s libraries. Moreover, these developers are more experienced than an in-house team of Angular developers as they’ve worked on different types of projects. 

It means when you hire Angular developers, you can stay assured that there won’t be any quality compromises at any step during the development process. 

(3) Implement Advanced Technologies 

The outsourcing industry is highly competitive as there are thousands of companies operating worldwide. The only way for these companies to survive the fierce competition and secure projects are to have expertise in the latest technologies.

That’s why offshore companies hire developers who have expertise in the latest front-end technologies like Node.JS, .NET, TypeScript, etc. With these technologies, the developers craft cutting-edge web solutions for their clients that give them a competitive edge in the market.

(4) Quickly Deploy Your Product in the Market

We’re living in an era where new web apps are launched every day in the market. In this scenario, it’s extremely important to ramp-up the development process and launch your product as quickly as possible. This will help your company attract potential customers and gain a competitive edge over your competitors at the same time. 

One of the ways to boost up the development process is to outsource Angular development to a third-party development firm. These companies have a large team of Angular developers who usually follow a time-tested approach to quickly deploy the web app in the market.

(5) Hiring Remote Developers is Flexible

Hiring an in-house team is less efficient than an offshore development agency, especially if you’re only planning to develop a single web application. When you hire an in-house team, you would also have to pay for additional office space and other technical resources to develop the product from scratch.

Read more: How IT Outsourcing in Recession Can Benefit Your Business?

On the other hand, when you outsource Angular development to remote developers, you only have to pay according to the fixed development rates. Since there is no additional maintenance cost, hiring remote developers will help you further cut down the overall cost.

Tips to Select Best Angular Development Company for Your Web Application

Even though outsourcing Angular development can offer a multitude of benefits, it has its own challenges as well. One of the major reasons why businesses are still not ready to hire remote developers is the fact that it’s quite challenging to find the right Angular development company .

Since there are too many options to choose from, finding the right Angular development company can get a bit hectic. One small mistake and you’ll be stuck with a team of inefficient developers who don’t know the value of time and commitment. 

Fortunately, by following a couple of tips and sticking to the right approach, you can find the most suitable team of remote Angular developers that’ll help you build a cutting-edge web application for your target audience. 

So, let’s quickly discuss the golden rules of choosing the best Angular development company for your web app. 

Know Your Requirements

Before anything, make sure that you have a clear objective in your mind about the final product. What type of features do you want to integrate into your web application? Who is your target audience? What types of interface do you want for your application?

These are a few of the questions you should answer before going out to hire remote Angular developers. Having a clear objective will make it easier to identify if a specific candidate can meet your expectations or not.

Do Your Research

Google can help you in every situation, even if you’re looking for a reliable team of Angular developers. That’s why it’s always a better option to begin your developer-hunting task with a basic Google search itself. 

Simply type-in “Hire Remote Angular Developers” in Google search bar and the search engine will spit out thousands of results within seconds. These are all the prospects who have expertise in Angular development and who can help you turn your vision into reality.

Helpful Resource: Things to keep in mind while Hiring Remote Angular Developers

You can go through the Google search results and compare each development agency individually to narrow down your list to the most suitable final candidates.

Check Company Portfolio

A company’s portfolio will provide you a detailed understanding of its expertise. It’ll have all the details of the projects they have developed in the past. Going through these projects will make it much easier to identify if the developers can meet your objective or not.

Go Through Client Reviews

Once you have narrowed down your list to the final candidates, it’ll get more challenging to make the final decision. This is when reading the client reviews will help. Going through client reviews will help you understand the working experience of previous clients with the organization. You can also contact a few of the clients individually to check if they got timely project deliveries or not. 

Finally, Contact The Project Managers Individually

The final deciding factor should be the communication between you and the project manager.

Designing an interactive user interface with Angular web development framework can take anywhere between 2-3 months, depending on the project requirements.

During this period, you must be able to communicate with the dedicated project manager without any hassle.

So, make sure to take a phone call with each project manager individually and decide who understands your objective more precisely.

When Should You Choose Angular Web Development Framework for Your Web Application?

Now that we’ve talked about the significance of hiring remote Angular developers and how to choose the right development partner, let’s discuss what types of projects can benefit from Angular development.

Here are the three scenarios where Angular would be the most suitable front-end development framework

Enterprise Web Applications

  • Enterprise web applications usually have hundreds of modules to offer advanced functionality.
  • Since Angular uses TypeScript, it becomes quite easier to navigate between different modules. In addition to this, TypeScript also allows code-reusability, which will give developers the liberty to use the same code to design various modules within the app.

Dynamic Web Applications

As compared to other front-end frameworks, it’s easier to build dynamic web applications using Angular. The framework already has dozens of built-in tools that’ll allow developers to build dynamic SPAs (Single Page Applications). 

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have become the newest trend in the market.

As per a Statista report, 52.4% of Internet traffic came from mobile devices by the fourth quarter of 2019.

If anything, this percentage is expected to grow in the coming future and that’s why businesses should consider providing their customers with feature-rich PWAs.

Further Read: React Native Vs Flutter Vs PWA: The Right Choice for Hybrid App Development

When it comes to building PWAs, nothing comes closer to the Angular in terms of efficiency. The framework offers a built-in PWA support and the latest Angular 9 version also provides developers with the ability to convert regular web applications into PWAs using a single command.

ng add @angular/pwa is a command that’ll allow developers to add PWA features to any existing Angular application. This will turn the regular application responsive and it’ll become easier to engage the mobile users.

If you’re planning to design a Progressive Web App, Angular is the most suitable front-end framework.


Different companies/customers have their own reasons to outsource Angular development.

Irrespective of your motive, outsourcing Angular development to a professional agency will help you cut down the development cost and get a feature-rich & dynamic web application at the same time.

So, If you’re looking for one of the best agency to outsource Angular development for your web application, then Contact us for further discussion.

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