Tips to Manage Team of Remote Software Developers during Corona Virus Crisis

Tips To Manage Remote Software Developers Corona
Sandip Malaviya
Reading Time: 5 minutes

With the COVID-19 pandemic more and more businesses are moving to the remote model of work. Medical personnel promotes social isolation and quarantine because it prevents the transmission of the virus.

Organizations that have never previously employed remote teams tend to make errors in successfully handling their remote team of developers.

On the other hand, the practice of freelancers and companies that used remote work from the beginning hasn’t changed much. Services for software development, web design, and IT services have historically been named remote-friendly. A change from the office job to remote work, however, also induces tension.

Remote Work Is The New Normal for Future

Through this post, we will share some observations that will make life a little simpler for remote projects. When it comes to tips for remote developers management do’s and don’ts, let’s take a look at some that might be useful.

How to Manage a Remote Team of Developers?

  1. No Time Tracking
  2. Don’t Micromanage
  3. Take Advantage of Time Zones
  4. Focus on Long-term Goals
  5. Maintain Transparency
  6. Don’t Ignore Remote Team Members
  7. Provide Feedback
  8. Deal with Conflicts Smoothly
  9. Be Understanding
  10. Use the Right Tools

No Time Tracking

It sounds counter-productive but many businesses find it pointless to track time. Most companies deploy time trackers if they don’t know how to manage remote team. The trackers go so far as to make computer screenshots, or to record mouse movement. The more sophisticated a controlling system becomes, the more opportunity it gets to hack and work around it.

Excessive control is often stressful and coupled with the difficulty of transitioning to remote work, causes frustration within the team. Productivity, in the end, suffers.

Instead: turn to result-oriented jobs. Measure the team’s job in assignments and not in hours. If you charge your customers by the hour, you need to use the self-reported time or average time taken to perform similar tasks.

Don’t Micromanage

Many managers have a hard time shedding their responsibilities, particularly if they come from a developer background themselves. 

Instead of focusing on communicating the issues and priorities of the project, they find solutions to those problems and provide information on implementation, and the only job left to the developer is to code what he was told to code. This is not good enough in the management of remote software developers.

After all, problem-solving is just what software developers study for years, so it doesn’t make sense to take it out of the equation and transform developers into automatons. You can use

Take Advantage of Time Zones

Effective remote developers strive to be self-sustaining and autonomous by nature. They need to manage their time with independence and responsibility. 

When you have a good information system and contact with your software developers, changing working hours is beneficial, but not necessary.

Operating in different time zones can be beneficial to the company because you can gain productivity “around the clock” as developers in different zones take on various aspects of the project.

If your developer is ahead of your time zone, it gives you the ability to evaluate his work the same day so you can plan the next big thing immediately.

Focus on Long-term Goals

Day-to-day goals are a type of project micromanagement. Instead, seek to convey the overall image to your client, and set specific goals together. The developer is likely to be more successful if you get them to understand the project just as well as you do.

The Agile Manifesto (methodologies) is the best thing that has happened to project management. It helps you to do exactly what is required, delegate responsibility to those who are actually implementing stuff, and enforce common sense on all parties involved in the process.

Maintain Transparency

Some projects are sensitive and it can be harmful to leak the information. The question may be solved by non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) but they are not bulletproof. 

However, the more the developer learns, the more effective he will be in solving all these challenging little issues and hiccups on the fly, not just in solving predefined tasks. It will potentially make the developer more successful, and make it simpler for you.

The method of Agile development comes in handy here, too. It facilitates the exchange of information between parties (stakeholder, tester, developer, etc.) by eliminating any hierarchy and treating those parties as equal members of the team, with the same obligations and thus enabling them to function as transparently as possible.

Don’t Ignore Remote Team Members

Note, you are a help to your team when handling remote employees and if the team needs your input, you shouldn’t be too busy to assist them.

If the developer is unable to fix anything by himself, he’ll get lost and waste precious time. They will ask the senior for advice. Do not completely ignore the advice of the developer as it could be insightful or solve a problem you couldn’t.

If something is vague, or if you think the issue doesn’t need to be discussed, defend your case while being open-minded and giving the developer a chance to persuade you that he is correct after all.

Benefits of Working Remotely

Provide Feedback

Let them know that when developers work on your proposal, you appreciate their support. So don’t beat around the bush when they’re underperforming. 

Timely, constructive feedback can save the project and your relationship with a remote developer. Just be flexible and if something is slightly off but does not affect the efficiency or quality of the finished product, don’t make a big deal out of it.

The developer you are working with will certainly respect your flexibility, and if anything changes at your end, or if you need extra support beyond the original scope of the job, they will also be more accommodating.

Deal with Conflicts Smoothly

The very best way to deal with future problems is to be cautious about them when working on a project.

Lack of consistent communication is the number one source of disagreements over the project. Misunderstandings happen but you should do your best to minimize any negative feelings by being very clear about issues such as deadlines, project scope, and payment schedules. Maintain Internal Communication always.

Be Understanding

When you are switching to a remote work model, you have to recognize that this transition is a burden for both the team and the management. 

In reality, none initially subscribed to remote work at your business, and not everyone will love it. Remote working also poses challenges, especially with concentration.

Pandemic times are challenging for any family and empathy for employers is required. A working day at home is frequently followed by tasks, kids, and other obstacles, and the manager’s lack of comprehension leads to greater tension and thus, less productivity.

Related Article: How Post Pandemic Tech Trends Will Transform Workplace Operations?

Use the Right Tools

The change to remote work reflects the ability to refresh the project management tool collection. It takes time to re-evaluate the project management program but it’s still worth it. Ensure you are testing the market and seeking one that fits your needs.

Even if you spend weeks switching the remote tech team over to the latest software, smoother processes and better time management would pay off.

Final Thoughts

These tips are a collection of steps that allow you to encourage and supervise your technical staff effectively during the quarantine.

Your clients receive regular updates, access all project information and data, and have direct access to their managers. That means the Coronavirus outbreak does not impact any of the workflows.

Further Read about Offshore/Remote Software Development