Divine Graphic Design Trends That Will Reign 2024

Graphic Design Trends 2019
Manish Bhad
Reading Time: 12 minutes

You will never get a second chance to make the first impression.

This quote by Andrew Grant is true for your website and mobile app. Your users will never visit the website again or they will uninstall your app if they find an outdated and boring design.

In this competitive era; you need to keep your assets better than your competitors to retain your customers and visitors. The best way is to have the graphics design trends and elements which can gain the traction of the audience out there.

This blog is not only for the designers; if you are working with a designer or planning to hire a designer then you need to be updated with the trends. We have tried to make it to a level more than just a blog; this is an informative piece of content to guide you everything about graphic design.

First of all; let’s have a look at the graphic design trends 2024 and then we will dive deeper into the UI/UX world.

  1. Color transitions & duotones
  2. 3D Typography
  3. Metallic color elements
  4. Realism + Flat mix
  5. Alternative art
  6. Flow with the trend
  7. Anti-gravity elements
  8. The 3 classic S: Strokes, Spots, and Stains
  9. Asymmetrical layouts
  10. The new face of Art Deco
  11. Fresh Retro Modern Designs
  12. Real-life objects and Flat design elements
  13. Unique color palettes for photos
  14. Lightweight custom illustrations
  15. A new font style: Buxom serifs
  16. Frames are out of style
  17. Isometric designs

Color Transitions & Duo-tones

This trend is going to be the logo design 2024 and also it will be listed among the web design trends 2024. Variations in the gradients have been in discussion for a long time and now it is gaining popularity among the new designers. Gone are the days of single color logos.

Color Transitions & Duo-tones

Upcoming time will be all about the chunky color palette for color transitions and duo-tone fades are the new trendsetters.

3D Typography

3D designs and images are old schools now. 2024 is going to be all about 3D typography. With the invasion of Augmented and Virtual Reality this style of typography is emerging. It will have a great impact on logo design trend of 2024. The reason is; you can create a 3D version of any font style and typeface by combining multiple artistic letters and feature stacks.

3D Typography

The best part is designers can use their imagination freely as there aren’t many rules which they have to follow. 3D typography is created with techniques like Embossing, Shadows, Animation, distinct layering of background versus the text and many more.

Metallic Color Elements

For concepts like 3D designs, the metallic effect is transforming the ordinary look of any element into a luxurious and exclusive one. Gold and silver metals have the tendency to make anything look extravagant hence metallic is the graphic design trend for 2024. For more high-level metals are combined with the iridescent color palette and the result is enchanting.

Metallic Color Elements

The elements look mesmerizing when the light hits their surface; a new color palette of lustrous color is created. Till now the effect was used mainly by the packaging designs with a combination of black or white background. This year we are going to witness the trend with new colors and combinations.

Flow With The Trend

Fluid & liquid effect are the examples of translating the surface of the water into a visual design.

Flow With The Trends - Graphic Design

This web design trend is inspired by contemporary designs and characteristic of a liquid to flow. The right balance of colors and the design with liquid substances like water or oil will introduce a new revolution in design.

Designers around the world are combining liquid elements with the full-width open composition to add liquid textures for mystique and fanciful look.

Anti-Gravity Elements

The Flying & floating elements are to convey the feeling depth and freedom the designs behave and move like they are in the non-gravity environment. The elements seem to be floating around the screen inside and outside.

Anti-Gravity Elements

UI/UX designers around the world are mixing the concept of Anti-gravity with 3D elements to deliver realism to the composition.

The 3 Classic S: Strokes, Spots, and Stains

This era is all about incorporating classic elements with modern illustrations and this trend is all about this. Freestyle doodles and illustrations with a new touch are going to be the trend for 2024.

The 3 Classic S: Strokes, Spots, and Stains

The designers are moving more towards artsy looking designs with chaotic stains and strokes. The design trend is already adopted in the packaging industry with unique color selection, shapes, and position. This has created a space to clear out the boring package designs.

Asymmetrical Layouts

Grid-based designs have been a standard of designing for many years. But now Asymmetrical patterns are going to be the graphic design trends for 2024. Designers now have the liberty to eliminate the need for rigid and predictable grids to explore the scope of multiple designs.

Asymmetrical layouts

An asymmetrical layout generates a curiosity among the users to see what’s going to be the next; which will encourage them to scroll the page.

The New Face of Art Deco

Art Deco is not new and we all know that, but 2024 is going to introduce a new level of the classic graphic design trend.

Art Deco - Design Trends

The trend started from advertising and now it has invaded in all the designing sectors. It has characteristics like Mosaic styles, strong color palette, chevron patterns, stylized florals, ornamentation and strong use of geometric shapes.

The trend is still winning the heart of the audience and users. Designers are using this trend in package designs and now with a modern touch, Art Deco can be seen in websites and app designs as well.

Fresh Retro Modern Designs

Mid-century designs were already in use in areas like fashion and interior design. But now graphic designers are moving towards organically clean and stripped down lines as well.

Fresh Retro Modern Design Trends

Small businesses and startups are leveraging the custom illustration of mid-century modern patterns. With the right combination of vintage color palettes, lots of brands are launching gorgeous websites and apps.

Real-Life Objects and Flat Design Elements

These two complementing trends are now combined to offer an eye-pleasing scenario for the websites and mobile apps. Different dimensions are combined here with unique styles and techniques. Realism with the flat visual design is the most unexpected and innovative graphic design trend.

Real-Life Objects And Flat Design Elements

This unconventional trend is going to create a mark in editorial designs, package designs and website designs with the perfect blend of mastery and creativity.

Unique Color Palettes For Photos

Now that the duo-tones and new gradients are at the rise it is important to not neglect the other side of the coin. For people out there who love simplicity and warmth, a new color palette is introduced. The palette is mainly to glorify the moody shades in classic pictures.

Unique color palettes for photos

Hence; this trend is for the websites and apps which have a unique set of audience who are looking for wistful and warm vibes.

Lightweight Custom Illustrations

Designers and viewers were bored of thick and bold lines in the illustrations. As a result of exquisite and subtle custom illustrations are introduced. This trend is more towards the feminine side because of its innocent appeal and inspiration of natural elements.

Lightweight custom illustrations

Right now this trend has taken its place in the website designs and soon it is going to invade mobile app designs as well.

A New Font Style: Buxom Serifs

The serifs font family is not new and it is going to stay; moreover, sans-serif and hand-drawn fonts will still be the designers favorite. But; 2024 will introduce a custom font style. Buxom typeface will impact the 3D typography because of the trapezoidal shape of each character.

Buxom serifs

Designers are already leveraging the font style into the latest designs and illustrations.

Frames Are Out Of Style

2024 is going to be all about open compositions so no frame game. For a finished design look frames used to be the ultimate tool element for the designers. There used to be a frame on everything to satisfy the designer that the design is completely in control. Now, its time for open designs to build curiosity among the audience.

Frames are out of style

Airy designs display a section of the entire image which encourages the users to scroll or swipe the design. This design trend is going to be all about interactive websites with full-width open compositions. Hence, designers are already loving it.

Isometric Design

The depth of isometric designs is something which has made it to the list of top design trend of 2020. it converts 3D objects into two-dimensional drawings with the next-level detailing.

Isometric Design

Although 2024 trends were more about airy and open design; isometric is just the opposite. It tries to showcase the entire universe in small spaces.

A Bonus Trend: The Color Of The Year

Each year Pantone announces the trendiest color of the year and for 2024 it is Living Coral. And I personally love this color. The shade has the right blend of pink and orange with a slightly golden undertone. The color reflects the underwater life energy and it is going to be the primary choice graphic design this year.

Pantone Color Of The Year 2024 Living Coral( Image Source: Pantone.com )

To encourage the designers Pantone has already launched the color code for HTML, RGB, and CMYK with 5 color palette featuring Living Coral. This will lead to more adoption of the new shade.

Now that you are aware of what trending in the market lets check out Why do you need to follow such graphic design trends in your website?

Importance Of Graphic Design For Any Brand

Wondering why we are focusing this much on the look and feel of your website and mobile app?

The number of visitors and users of your app or website defines the success of your UI/UX design. The UI/UX will play a major role in achieving the sales and growth goal of your business. Your target customers and audience have a lot of choices of the services and products you provide, hence it is necessary to serve something unique to gain their traction. UI/UX design will help you in gaining the retention of the users.

Here are a few ways how great UI/UX design can help you:

Builds Your Brand

Strong design is your identity and people love interesting identities. As a result; an appealing UI/UX will represent your brand to be trustworthy and reliable. When your customers will see an attractive logo they will at least for once check the website of the app.

Make sure you follow the logo design trends of 2024 to create an enticing personality of your business. The design should make an impact on the mindset of the visitor and users. So that even after closing your website or app the design will still have an impact on the back of their brains.

Enhancement In Customer Satisfaction

An ingenious design generates goodwill among your customers and users. It is a psychological fact that good design is a great way to gain their faith and trust. The reason behind this is; designs create a positive image of your brand hence; the good design will create a positive identity among your users. While an ordinary design will build an average brand identity.

Better Sales

If your design represents your brand then it will automatically impact the sales of your company. Wondering why? Well, if your company sells luxurious chocolates and your website has a basic black and white design it will never impress your customers.

On the other hand, if your website has an elegant logo and rich design then the visitor will surely want to try the quality of chocolates you are going to serve. Hence, your sales rate will increase.

Tell Your Story

Your design will deliver the message that you want to tell your visitors. Basic design elements like color scheme and font style are able to portray the emotions behind the message.

Even if you are a solopreneur selling your line of luxury clothing or a restaurant your story has the power to connect with the visitors emotionally.

Hence, they will feel connected to your products or services. Once they develop this emotional connection they will trust you and your company.

>> Read More: A Comprehensive Guide On Restaurant Website Design

Beat The Competition

As I have mentioned above; market place is overloading with businesses and brands delivering the same products and services like yours. Your design will help you to catch the eye of the target audience easily.

Once they loved your design it will create a mark on their mind; whenever they will search for your service your business app or website will be the first one to pop-up in their brains.

What Are Things To Keep In Mind Get The Perfect Design For Your Website Or Mobile App?

An innovative UI/UX design consists of five elements: information architecture, interaction design, usability, wireframe, and Visual design. Together these elements build the most innovative design.

But how to know if you haven’t missed anything in the UI/UX phase? Here is a checklist you can follow to check out you have achieved everything in the design:

Checklist To Get The Perfect Design For Website Or Mobile App

  1. Custom App Icon and Logo.
  2. Test the Icon and Logo with multiple wallpapers and background.
  3. Check out the need for splash screen; don’t add a splash screen if you think it is a waste of time.
  4. If needed; then design a splash screen which directs the users to the journey through the app.
  5. Remove the clutter; every extra button, image or form should be removed.
  6. Content should be easily readable without any need for zooming.
  7. Design and easiness of the contact forms.
  8. Check out the flow of the entire website and app; point out the areas where you will need to eliminate repetitive action sections.
  9. Test the scenarios where the user will most likely make an error and check if the user is able to recover from the error easily or not.
  10. Make sure to keep in mind a novice user and an expert user.
  11. Always ensure that your color palette has only three primary colors and not more than that.
  12. Examine visual hierarchy of the website and mobile app.
  13. Make sure the size, color, and positioning of multiple elements is unique.
  14. Ensure you are providing alerts messages where required with enough visual design and positioning.
  15. Discuss with the stakeholders about the growth of the website or app with time and make sure you have enough room for the growth.
  16. Select matching font styles and never use more than two font families
  17. In multi-step workflow make sure to add a progress indicator.
  18. Verify that your foreground elements are distinguished from background elements.

Which One Is More Reliable For You? A Graphic Designing Agency, Freelance Designer Or An In-House Designer?

This is the basic question that comes to our mind when we decide to redesign our existing assets or we want to build a new website or mobile app.

While Hiring An In-House Designer Make Sure To Keep In Mind The Following Points:

  • Will you have consistent work for the designer?
  • How you will cope up with the downtime or free time?
  • Can you afford to employ a designer? The monthly salary of an expert will be a lot higher.

Second, Comes Hiring A Freelance Designer

Hiring a freelancer is the trend today. With platforms like Freelancer, Upwork etc we can easily get in touch with experts. A freelancer might be cost-effective at starting but it will have risks like:

  • The designer can be an amateur with a fake degree.
  • He/she can take the advance amount and will disappear!
  • The designer might not be professional enough.
  • You will not get a free replacement.

The Final One Is Outsourcing Your Design Needs To A Well-Reputed And Experienced Designing Company.

At times you might feel that this option is a bit costly or you might have trust issues because of the distance. But a designing firm will be a well registered and reputed company so you will have all the details on Google. Here are a few things to keep in mind while outsourcing your design:

  • Discuss your requirements clearly before starting the project.
  • Make sure to connect with the designers to explain much better.
  • Hire a team of designers instead of a single UI/UX expert.

How To Select The Right Designing Firm?

The right company can serve you the most intuitive results while a wrong company can burn a hole in your pocket without any satisfactory results. So the question arises is;

What Are The Traits Of A Reliable And Expert Website And App Designing Company?

Here are few steps to follow to check if the company is reliable to work with you or not.

  • Step 1: Determine your project constraints clearly
  • Step 2: Decide The Budget
  • Step 3: Contact Best Designing Firms
  • Step 4: Check Out Their Portfolios And Previous Works
  • Step 5: Read Their Client Reviews
  • Step 6: Discuss The Value Their Designers Can Provide To Your Idea
  • Step 7: Interview the designer or the head of the UI/UX team
  • Step 8: Finalize The Expense
  • Step 9: Decide The Timeline
  • Step 10: Start the project

The Choice Is Yours!

The final decision is still yours. You need to decide whether your business needs web and graphic design from trends or not.

Make sure to select a reliable graphic designing firm for your business. Check out if they are aware of the market trends or not and then build an intuitive UI/UX design.

>> Related Article6 Facts To Consider While Selecting The Web Design Company

At Samarpan Infotech you don’t have to worry about the trends and quality of your website and app design. We have hired the most spontaneous, creative and curious graphic design minds.

Our designers love to keep their knowledge and skills updated as a result we will follow the graphic design trends for your website or app.

Get In Touch With Us Today And Build The Most Captivating Digital Presence For Your Business.