AngularJS Development: The Best JavaScript Framework For Front End Development

AngularJS Front End Development Framework
Rushikesh Vekariya
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Angular earlier known as AngularJS is leading the Frontend framework race because of the programming languages behind it; JavaScript and HTML. It is the highly preferred JavaScript Framework for building intuitive website components. The year AngularJS was released i.e March 2017; JavaScript was announced to be the best programming language of the year.

Fun Fact: JavaScript is the second preferred language by the developers around the world. HTML is the third most adopted language by the developers.

The reason for this much popularity is the benefits, usages, and features of Angular development. In this blog, we are going to cover every aspect of AngularJS which makes it the best.

In this blog you will learn:

  1. Why developers love Angular?
  2. What are the benefits of Angular Development?
  3. What is the top advantage of Angular framework?
  4. Which are the top brands who use Angular?
  5. The best Angular frameworks for your mobile app.

Let’s first understand What exactly is AngularJS?

AngularJS is the most popular modern day web framework used majorly for Single Page Applications(SPA). The framework has great community support and Google support hence it is always up-to-date. The developers can witness all the latest development trends of the market in the framework.

Angular Application Building Blocks
Angular Application Building Blocks( Image Source: )

The Angular application, on the other hand, is a browser-based application with web pages written by using HTML and JavaScript.

Why developers love AngularJS?

Here are a few reasons why developers prefer to work with Angular to develop web applications.

AngularJS Front-end development.

Easy To Learn

JavaScript is the easiest language to learn and HTML, on the other hand, is the most basic language that each developer is aware of. Hence, Angular is easy to learn and understand for the coders.

Data Binding

AngularJS has the modern touch for data binding. Which means model and view components syncs the data automatically. Now, two-way data binding is easy for the developers.

Better Security

AngularJS has a step by step process for the security and authentication of app data. As a result; developers don’t have to take extra measures for the security.

Less Coding

AngularJS developers don’t have to write the getter/setter and their own MVC pipelines. They don’t have to define the view in the HTML and manually bind the data. All these things are seamless with AngularJS.

Adding 3rd Party Features

Several 3rd party frameworks are easy to integrate with AngularJS. Hence; it makes the web application feature-rich.

Now that you are aware of why AngularJS is used for web application development; let’s have a look at the benefits of Angular.

What Are The Top Benefits Of AngularJS Development?

If you want to understand the reason behind the huge popularity of AngularJS; you need to understand why developers and development companies loved to work on the framework.

Code Reusability

The developers don’t have to write the same code again and again; AngularJS allows reusing the code which they have used for any other previous mobile application.

New Design Architecture

The latest design of the MVC architecture in AngualrJS allows the developers to easily manage and locate the codes. For any new developer on the team, it will be very easy to understand.

Advantages Of Angular Apps

Quick Development Process

With the MVC architecture delivers quick testing and maintenance of the code along with great functionalities lead to better productivity of the developers. As a result; the development process is rapid and smooth.

Easy Plug And Play

Developers can add existing components in a brand new application by using this plug and play feature. When a developer will copy and paste the code of the component into the app the assets will be automatically added.

What Is The Top Advantage Of AngularJS Framework?

Angular For Front End as its own set of advantages which makes it different from the rest of the frameworks. Here are few best advantages of Angular Development:

  1. Scope Objects: These objects refer to the model and connects the controller with the view.
  2. Directives: The in-built directives of AngularJS acts as a marker on DOM elements and hence, are useful in creating custom HTML tags. These tags can be further used as new custom widgets.
  3. Templates: Templates can be multiple views or a single file in one page by using the partials. These objects help in rendering the information from the model and controller.
  4. Routing: AngularJS makes it easy to switch in between views.
  5. Deep Linking: AngularJS allows the developers to encode and bookmark the state of the application which can be restored from the URL.

Still, need more proof that AngularJS is the right Javascript Framework for the front end development of your web app or mobile app? We would love to give you live examples from the best enterprises.

Which Are The Top Brands Who Use AngularJS?

The popular websites and web applications around the world are built from using AngularJS. The results are highly engaging and interactive user experience and user interface.

Here are the top companies relying on AngularJS:

  • Netflix
  • LinkedIn Corporation
  • YouTube
  • PayPal
  • Forbes
  • FEWA Official
  • University of North Carolina School of the Arts
  • Checkpoint Tire Ctr Inc

Best AngularJS Development Frameworks

Here are the top AngularJS frameworks for a web app and mobile application development:

Mobile Angular UI

This framework is beneficial to build HTML5 web-based apps and mobile apps with Angular JS and Twitter bootstrap. The versatile parts that were missing in Bootstrap 3 like sidebars, Scrollable area, overlays, and switches.

UI Grid

It is one of the parts of modules from Angular UI suit of AngularJS framework. UI grid has features like virtualization, filtering, row expanding, sorting, grouping and many more.

Angular Foundation

The Angular Foundation framework directives which are based on the CSS and markup components like the trigger, alert, dropdown, pagination, interchange, popover, accordion and progress bar.

Ionic Framework

This framework is built with the directives of AngularJS and it has been the most powerful, open-source SDK. The framework develops applications which are based on CSS3 and HTML5.

Over To You!!

ts time to consider the technology stack about your web app; AngularJS is soon going to be the framework behind the web application for every leading brand around the globe.

What are your thoughts on adopting AngularJS for your solution?

At Samarpan Infotech, we maintain a team of proficient AngularJS developers who possess extensive experience in crafting top-tier web applications across a wide range of industries and global business sectors. If you’re seeking to hire Angular JS developers with proven expertise, we are the optimal choice to fulfill your requirements.

Want to build your own startup application?

If you are looking for a company to build your startup idea then you can Get In Touch with a team of skilled Business analysts. We will discuss with you the scope of your idea and the best plan to launch a successful mobile app.