WordPress Child Theme: A Few Ways To Make Your Site More Awesome

a man sitting in a chair with a computer and the text contains the advantages of using wordpress child themes with the logo of wordpress and samarpan infotech
Minal Vaghela
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this very dynamic world of website development, WordPress comes up as a flexible and powerful platform for the creation of a significant portion of the web. According to W3 Techs 62.7% of all websites we know use WordPress as their content management system. 43.3% of all websites fall into this category. In such an environment, WordPress child themes offer a solid way for developers and content managers to apply custom modifications and ensure their safe persistence over time.

What is a WordPress Child Theme?

A child theme in a WordPress environment can be relatively more of a subtheme, taking functionalities, characteristics, and styles from a parent theme. This, therefore, means that it allows one to effect changes and customizations without changing files within the theme. What is more, with such customizations affected by a child theme, it will not disappear or become undone whenever an update is made on the theme files. So, you are safe from any overwriting of work.

Difference between a Parent Theme and a Child Theme in WordPress

The critical difference between a WordPress parent theme and a child theme comes in the functionality and use between them. A parent theme has all the WordPress files to create a working website. On the other hand, a child theme will use all functionalities and styles of a parent theme but can go even deeper to stretch or change specified styles and functions. Now, this is a hierarchy. This child theme can now stand on its own but still be dependent on the parent for basic functioning; hence, it is an excellent tool for editing at will without being a threat to the whole setup.

4 Benefits of Child Theme in WordPress

Child themes in WordPress have numerous advantages, which makes them more favored and approached by most developers.

  1. Saved Customization: Changes in a child theme do not disappear when the parent theme is updated, and custom styles or enhancements in functionality will not get lost anymore.
  2. Functionality: It allows you to experiment with design and functionality changes in the child theme without fearing breaking the site.
  3. Efficiency: Child themes load far faster since they only load modified files and functions in contrast to a highly customized parent theme.
  4. Security: While checking new features or changes to the configuration in a child theme, the probability of crashing a live site is virtually zero, and therefore, your digital presence is smooth and professional.

Major Components of a WordPress Child Theme

A standard WordPress child theme should basically contain two fundamental components:

  • Stylesheet.css: Quite an important file since it holds the header comment that tells what this child theme is and how it relates to the parent theme. Oh, and any CSS that will be applied, which styles your site visually.
  • Functions.php: Child theme function file does not take over its parent’s function file, instead it runs in addition to the functions.php of the parent. The file is basically meant for the introduction of functions and features or making alterations to them on WordPress.

Other possible additions to a child theme, depending on how customized the child theme is, are: an image directory, JavaScript files, or template files.

3 Best Practices for WordPress Child Theme

So, here’s some best practices that you may utilize to make the most of your child theme: Thorough Documentation: Always document all modifications within the child theme. That will help you in troubleshooting later and possibly be beneficial to someone else working on your website in the future.

  1. Utilize Hooks and Filters: Wherever possible, you must replace overriding whole PHP files to apply minor and precise modifications to the parent theme’s functionality through hooks and filters.
  2. Regular Updates: For security functionalities updates, both parent and child themes should be updated regularly to ensure they remain in line with the latest updates in the core of WordPress.
  3. Testing: Clone your site and test all changes or updates on staging before going live to ensure no surprises.

Power Up Your WordPress Website with Utilizing Child Theme

With a custom theme, you can create a unique and memorable online presence that sets you apart from the competition. We are a WordPress theme development company that is proficient in creating child themes based on your business needs and brand tone. With our custom themes, you’ll enjoy faster load times, seamless navigation, and enhanced functionality, all designed to maximize conversions and drive growth. Contact us today to discuss your custom theme requirements, and let’s create something extraordinary together!